New season Williams pears are now good and mature. They are well priced and although they look green will ripen out of the fridge in a couple of days. Grapes, figs, peaches and nectarines are all fantastic this week.
The heat followed by rain has played havoc with the berry quality. I would only buy them this week on the same day you will be consuming them. Gala apples are great and there is lots of plums to choose from. Remember plums should only be eaten ripe, when they are soft. For mangoes this week palmers are the best.
I am sure you have all seen the disastrous effect last weekend’s heat had on your home garden. Imagine that and possibly three to five degrees hotter as it was in many of our growing areas. Vegetable supplies will be hard hit this week as a result. The only good news I could see in the markets today was corn on the cob, excellent quality and cheaper than last week. It’s hard to beat corn in summer on a barby.
Snake beans have eased a little, as have Dutch carrots and there is some good large imperfect sweet kumera in shops. Lots of the delicate and bunch line vegetables although available will not keep well and are far from their best. These products will get better every day and by next week we should be back to normal.