Dave's Market Update
In Fruit
“I can’t go past our imperfect mangoes this week. It is the last of the Darwin fruit and it is very cheap and fantastic eating. Its mature and won’t keep all that well, the opportunity is to buy and eat.
On our premium stacks, we have fruit from Katherine that will keep. We will also have our favourite tray sale mangoes - the HFM $20.00 special. Probably only this weekend then back up until we get deep into the Queensland season. Not large sizes but sound ripe fruit ready to enjoy.
The flush of large rockmelons from North Queensland continues and they have put downward pressure on the honeydew price as well. Still massive supplies of fantastic eating blueberries available in our stores and the same with avocados. Seedless watermelon supply is increasing and prices will drop here over the weekend.
In Veg
There are a couple of standout specials across the company this week - Cukes and Cherry Truss.
The Cherry Truss are around one-third their regular price. Fantastic eating, a real bargain..enjoy them whilst the price lasts. As always, there are other tomatoes such as sweet delights that are cheap too.
The cukes are also around half price, a healthy snack for the school lunch box. Our NSW stores have a fantastic line of cup mushrooms on special as well. We have some fantastic, sweet Orange capsicums from NZ available this week, dearer than the locals, superb quality.
Iceberg lettuce and all cucumbers are both good value as well.” - David
Dave's Pick of the Week
“This week, our imperfect mangoes are just fantastic value and really eating well. All from the Northern Territory, we are transitioning from Darwin down to Katherine and a lot of these imperfects will be from the tail end of the Darwin crop. Their only issue is a little wind rub, and you don’t eat the skin, so that’s no issue!
I pick my mangoes by touch and smell; they need to have a fragrant, tropical and fruity aroma, and to just give slightly when touched. Keep away from bruised, extremely soft or very green fruit. Stored properly, they will keep for a few days. They won’t ripen in your fridge so don’t put them in there unless they are fully ripe and then only keep them for a couple of days. Never store them in plastic bags.” - David Harris
HOW TO PICK The best way to buy a mango is to simply use your nose. A ripe fresh mango should have a fragrant tropical fruity aroma, a full colour and will give slightly to the touch, but stay away from very soft or bruised fruit. An unripe mango has no scent and can have an unpleasant chemical taste if eaten raw. Never buy completely green mangoes, as they may never ripen. HOW TO STORE When stored properly, a mango should have a shelf life of about a week. A mango will not ripen in the refrigerator. Mangoes should not be refrigerated until they are ripe. Fully ripe mangoes can be stored in the refrigerator for a few days. Never store mangoes in plastic bags - mangoes need air.