Pumpkin Soup


Pumpkin Soup HarrisFarmFoodie

With pumpkins in season, there's no better timing to give this delicious pumpkin soup recipe a go. 



  1. Peel the vegetables and cut into rough 3cm chunks. Place in a medium saucepan. Add all other ingredients, making sure all the vegetables are mostly covered by the water (add a little extra if you have to).
  2. Bring to the boil, then reduce heat to low and simmer for 25 minutes with the lid on. Remove from heat, and allow to cool slightly. Use a stick blender to puree the vegetables.
  3. Serve with a dollop of sour cream, and garnished with fresh coriander. Serves 3. 


Recipe shared by #harrisfarmfoodie @redgumboots

Ingredients for Pumpkin Soup

Pumpkin Kent Cut Each

$0.80 ea

Pumpkin Kent Whole

$2.20 ea

Pumpkin Butternut Whole

$6.23 ea

Pumpkin Butternut Half

$3.39 ea

Pumpkin Jarradale Cut Each

$3.59 ea

Pumpkin Jarradale Whole

$6.85 ea

Onion Brown Each

$1.00 ea

Onion Brown 1kg

$3.49 ea

Potato Brushed Each

$1.30 ea

Potato Washed Each

$0.70 ea

Carrot Loose Each

$0.60 ea

Carrot Medium 1kg

$1.50 ea

Massel Chicken Stock Cubes 105g

$3.40 ea

Garlic Head Each

$2.50 ea

Garlic 500g

$3.50 ea

Fresh Herbs Coriander Bunch

$0.99 ea

Dairy Farmers Sour Cream 250g

$3.00 ea

Potato Brushed Bag 2kg

$4.00 ea

Carrot Snackables 250g

$2.00 ea

Carrot Organic 1kg

$3.99 ea

Pumpkin Butternut Cut Organic 500g

$2.99 ea

Spice and Co Coriander Ground 60g

$3.69 ea

Spice and Co Cumin Ground 50g

$3.69 ea

Spice and Co Turmeric Ground 70g

$3.69 ea

Spice and Co Nutmeg Ground 40g

$3.69 ea

Pumpkin Butternut Whole Each

$0.00 ea

Potato Brushed 5kg

$4.99 ea

Potato Washed Bag 2kg

$2.99 ea

Harris Farm Rock Sea Salt 200g

$3.49 ea

Harris Farm Fine Sea Salt 200g

$3.49 ea