Easter Garden Salad


Easter Garden Salad


  • ½ bunch watercress  

  • ½ punnet baby cucumbers  

  • 1 punnet green beans  

  • ½ bunch red radish  

  • 1 large avocado 

  • pomegranate  

  • 2 oranges  

  • 1 lemon  

  • Olive oil



  1. Bring a small pot of salted water to the boil.

  2. Remove the top and ends of the green beans and place the beans into the boiling water. Cook for approx. 2 mins, drain and place in icy water, set aside.   

  3. Pick the watercress and place it in a bowl with icy water, set aside. 

  4. Slice the cucumber and radish into discs and slice the avocado. 

  5. Using a knife, peel the skin of the orange keeping just the pulp, then cut into discs.  

  6. Cut the pomegranate in half and using the back of a kitchen spoon to pound the pomegranate to extract the seeds. Place in a bowl and set aside. 

  7. Mix, the juice of 1 lemon, 1tsp of brown sugar or honeytbsp of olive oil and season with salt and pepper, mix well and set aside. 

  8. To serve, layer all the ingredients on a platter and drizzle with the lemon dressing.