Chocolate Custard-filled Profiteroles


Prep time: 15 mins  + 3 hours cooling
Cooking time: 1h 15 mins
Serves: 10


  • 2 Free-range Egg Yolks

  • 4 Tbsp Cornflour

  • 2 tsp Vanilla Extract

  • 2 Tbsp Caster Sugar

  • 250ml Milk

  • 100g Dark Chocolate, chopped

  • 100ml Thickened Cream, whipped to medium peaks

  • 10 Profiterole Shells, ready-made unfilled 

  • Pecans, Hazelnuts chopped, to serve 

Chocolate Ganache

  • 125ml Thickened Cream

  • 100g Dark Chocolate, chopped



  1. Make chocolate ganache by putting cream into medium saucepan over low heat. Bring to gentle simmer, remove from heat. Stir in chocolate and set aside for 10 minutes then stir again until silky-smooth chocolate mixture forms. Set aside at room temperature.


  2. Make chocolate custard by putting egg yolks, cornflour, vanilla, half of sugar and 1 Tbsp of milk in large bowl. Whisk until smooth. 


  3. Heat milk, chocolate and remaining sugar in medium saucepan over low heat, stirring until chocolate has melted. Remove from heat. Gradually pour over egg mixture, whisking constantly, until smooth. Return mixture to saucepan, increase heat to medium-low and cook, stirring constantly with whisk, for about 5 minutes until mixture becomes very thick and smooth. 


  4. Transfer to bowl and press piece of plastic wrap directly onto surface to prevent skin from forming. Refrigerate for 15 minutes or until cold. 


  5. Add cream to chilled custard mixture and beat with electric hand beaters until combined and smooth. 


  6. Spoon chilled custard into piping bag fitted with a narrow (about 5mm) nozzle. Insert nozzle into profiterole shells and gently pipe until profiteroles are full. 


  7. Drizzle with ganache, sprinkle with pecans and hazelnuts and serve.

Ingredients for Chocolate Custard-filled Profiteroles


Harris Farm Eggs Free Range Eggs x12 660g

$6.99 ea

Harris Farm Farmer Friendly Lite Milk 2L

$3.10 ea

Harris Farm Pure Cream 300ml

$2.99 ea

Norco Thickened Cream 300mL

$3.20 ea

Harris Farm Pecan Kernels 125g

$5.99 ea

Harris Farm Hazelnuts Roasted 250g

$6.99 ea

White Wings Specialty Cornflour 300g

$3.29 ea

Chef's Choice Pure Vanilla Extract 100ml

$17.99 ea

Amatller 70% Cacao Dark Chocolate 85g

$0.00 ea