Pick of the Week - Palmer Mangoes

pick of the week palmer mangoesWe are now nearing the end of the mango season. Brooks mangoes are yet to come and this week we have Palmers. Palmer mangoes are a most unusual dark coloured mango but surprisingly good to eat, far better than Keitts which is the other main late February variety. We do have a sprinkle of very late season KPs from Mildura also coming soon however these are still 10 days away. It has been a very long season and we really are spoiled here in Australia with mangoes. When I first entered the industry the only mango was what we called a Bowen special (actually a Kensington Pride) and the season lasted from the third week in November and only rarely did we have mangoes for Christmas week. This year we started mid-August and it looks as though we may even still have a smattering of fruit in early April, seven plus months!

The best way to buy a mango is to simply use your nose and look for a slightly fragrant, tropical, fruity aroma. Ripe mangoes should have a full colour and will give slightly to the touch. Avoid very soft or bruised fruit.

Unripe mangoes should be stored out of direct sunlight at room temperatures for a few days until ripe. Once ripe, a mango should last in your fruit bowl for at least two to three days. Never refrigerate unripe mangoes and do not store them in plastic bags as they need to breathe.

Buy mangoes online here.
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