Fruit: This week our Autumn pom fruits are coming into their own. Leading the charge are new season Gala apples. Not all retailers are selling new season; some retailers still have the old season out, and of course, the quality is nowhere near the same as the fresh fruit. Beware of cheap Galas!!! Also happening this week is the change from old season Packham pears to new season Williams pears. They look similar, however, the new season Williams will be the better option. Autumn (well nearly!) also means good eating plums and figs. I think both the Queen Garnets and the Amber Jewels are terrific fruit. You must eat plums ripe; leave them out of your fridge until they are soft. Figs are really good eating this week and will be for the next month or more. The best bargain on these is to buy a tray of smaller fruit. Like plums, they have to be soft to eat well. Raspberries are my choice of berry for the week.
I would also like to give our Australian Valencia oranges a plug. At this time of the year many choose to buy imported navel oranges and not our Aussie vals . I think this year more than ever, that is a poor choice. The imports are very dear and not as good quality as normal. For an orange juice in the morning choose local not imports!
Veg: Very little good news on the vegetable front this week. The good news is that truss tomatoes are excellent quality and cheap. Both kūmara and Imperfect kūmara are the bargains in the veg lines.