In Veg: There's not a lot of change happening in the markets this week from last. Brown onions and English spinach have both eased in price as Spring approaches. Red washed potatoes are eating well at the moment, and are inexpensive. Leeks, Broccolini and Imperfect Pick kumera are all reasonably priced. Coriander, at a bargain price last week, continues to be plentiful, although not quite as cheap as we saw it last week.
In Fruit: We have some fantastic bargains in fruit this week. Great eating, but not so smart looking, Imperfect Pink ladies are in all NSW stores, and at a price we have not seen for years! This is probably the best week of the season for imported cherries. Heat, that has never been seen before, in growing areas in the United States damaged the fruit in mid-season, however, this end of season fruit is fantastic quality and inexpensive. Those elusive winter berries are finally starting to ease in price and the quality just gets better and better. The tsunami of berries is being led by strawberries and it appears blueberries won’t be far behind them. Our Southern Queensland avocadoes are now fully in season; they are the best quality fruit of the year in my opinion. Honey Murcott mandarins are fantastic - sweet and juicy! As our Imperials come to an end, the Daisy variety is just commencing. August and September are the best months for all pears, and this year is no exception.