Dave's Market Update - 28.07.21

In Fruit:

Little has changed with fruit in the past week; Berries seem to be stubbornly failing to ripen, we would normally have far larger supplies in Sydney by now. Blueberries are average in quality whilst strawberries, on the other hand, are very good – there’s just not enough of them! Pineapples, both topless and tops on, continue to be very well supplied and inexpensive. Apples and pears continue to be of excellent quality and quite inexpensive, especially in our Imperfect Picks range, where Pink Ladies, Granny Smiths and Packham pears all feature strongly. For something different this week, try a Bravo apple! One of the newer varieties, grown mostly in Western Australia, these apples have a very dark burgundy flesh; they are almost black in colour and are very sweet and crunchy. Navel oranges, lemons and mandos are all as good as they get - just not very cheap!

In Veg:

A couple of interesting options up for grabs at the Farm this week. First up are red Bullhorn chillies! The grower we draw our supplies from, has invested an abundance of resources into helping develop a very sweet variety of chilli. I think they are absolutely delicious, more delicate than a red capsicum and far tastier; use them wherever you would a red cap. This week we have them in our NSW stores at one third of the price they were a fortnight ago! They will keep in your vegetable crisper for up to three weeks, stock up now and enjoy. Other great specials include chat or cocktail potatoes, the cheapest spud we have this week. Coriander can be found at a bargain price, as well as green Shanghai buk choy. In our Imperfect range, eggplant and purple sweet potato are both very well priced. Midi cos lettuce, cauliflowers, shallots, 1kg bags of carrots, Swiss brown mushrooms and onions are all excellent quality and well supplied.

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