Dave's Market Update - 27 July 2022

In Fruit:

Jazz apples are my pick of the week – they are delicious apples and at the right price at Harris Farm this week. Other fruit lines that I feel are great buying include all citrus, particularly fabulous sweet navel oranges, Murcott mandarins and now blood oranges, which I think make the best orange juice of the year. Passionfruit is cheaper this week, and eating particularly well - they will go up in price again very soon. Berries are still struggling from the massive damage inflicted a couple of weeks ago. Pears and papaya are both excellent value, and avocados continue to be fantastic and affordable.

In Veg:

Yet another tough week in veggies. Fennel remains excellent quality and reasonably priced, as does Kumera, both premium and especially our imperfect line. We have a red hot special on imported Garlic this week. In our view, the now very old season Australian product is not a good option, so we are promoting imports in this line. Apart from that, green caps and beetroot are a bit easier but indeed not a bargain.

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