Dave's Market Update - 26.07.16

Daves Market Update 26.07.16

Imperial mandarins are nearing the end of the season. The skin of the fruit is on the puffy side but it is still eating very well. The navel oranges are still in the peak of their season. Supply is excellent and the fruit is great value this week, I think it’s the cheapest way to get your vitamin C hit this week. It’s always exciting to launch a fantastic new product... Recently we launched Rockit apples which are a kids sized un-waxed apple, jam-packed with flavour. The apples are cleverly packaged in a tennis ball cylinder type container that protects the fruit from any bruising. We have an unseasonal excellent supply of fresh figs. Largely caused by excellent growing conditions in Bundaberg in Queensland, customers should make the most of the unexpected bonus as I suspect it won’t last very long. The stand out in our imperfect picks range this week is the imperfect lemons. Some exterior blemish caused by some windy conditions has deemed these lemons as imperfects, but the lemon is still perfectly juicy.

A few days of good weather and a few degrees up in temperature has had an immediate impact on our vegetables, with many lines having increased supply. Broccoli, cauliflower, kumera, snow peas, capsicums, broccolini, English spinach, Silverbeet, beetroot, kale and tomatoes are all easing in price. The warmer weather has lead to some welcomed relief in the tomato category. Tomatoes got about expensive as I can recall in recent memory but this week has seen volumes increase and prices ease. Expect to see prices in the category continue to ease in the coming weeks as we surge towards spring.

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