Dave's Market Update - 26.05.2021

Most items are similar in price to last week. Celery, Brussels Sprouts and Spinach all represent great value and baby broccoli remains as the best value in the broccoli category. In our stores this week, we have a real bargain with Green Shanghai Choy Sum and some really excellent quality washed potatoes - both on fabulous special tickets in our stores this week. Looks like a great foundation for a stir fry to me!

Lots of good things happening in the fruit category this week. Firstly, we are having the perfect weather in South Eastern Queensland to bring on those beautiful winter Queensland strawberries. They are starting to ease in price and if we continue to have warm days up there, we will see some bargains by the middle of next week. The other news is that we are seeing enormous numbers of Hass avocadoes arriving daily in the markets. There will be bargains galore as a result! Nothing else is particularly expensive either. We have lots of great apples, pears, mandarins and lemons available and it seems limes are about to crash in price as well. Imported cherries have started but they will get better over the next few weeks.

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