Dave's Market Update - 07.07.2021


Cold and rain have wreaked havoc on berries this week. Both green and gold kiwi are plentiful and very good quality. Avocados are still somewhat oversupplied; Avo trees can have on and off years. The quantity of fruit harvested in the ‘on’ year can be double or even triple that in the ‘off’ year. Clearly, this is an on year with massive amounts of fruit, dragging prices way down below what was the norm last year! All apples are good, and Citrus is fantastic; including different varieties of mandarins which are now in full swing. The old favourite Imperial mandarins are reaching their end of season. Papaya remains great value again this week.



Lots of excellent veg options again this week. Brocc, caulies, Brussel sprouts, red caps and broccolini continue to be inexpensive and very good quality. A big drop in garlic this week, seeing this on special in all our stores this week or next. Stock up when you see that magic $10.00/ kg ticket, it’s fresh, good quality and cheap! We also have a very good special on Desiree potatoes in all our NSW stores. Imperfect parsnips are a great bargain compared to our regular premium parsnips; they seem the logical option to me! Dutch carrots are the best bargain of the week, the perfect complement to almost any winter meal. Another big drop seen this week is on Heirloom tomatoes, not really cheap but less than half last week’s price. Finally, radish and celery have eased in price and will be cheaper this week.  All in all, shopping will be easy this week.

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