As always, Mother’s day means our industry is far more concerned with floral than vegies. I am amazed at how our Mother’s Day flower sales increase dramatically from year to year and this trend has increased even more with the pandemic. Whether you’re looking for the old traditional Chrysanthemums or our beautiful lilies, we have you covered in our stores. Back to vegies, we have some fantastic quality Mallie Rose Desiree potatoes on a red hot special in all our stores this week. Perfect for a baked dinner on Mother’s day! Loose beetroot has come way back in price just like Brussels sprouts. Most other vegies are unchanged.
We have fantastic quality pink ladies on special in our stores this week. The season looks to be the best for the last few years and a huge improvement over last year when the bushfires damaged so much fruit. It’s also turning out to be a good year for Imperial mandarins. Aussie navels are now in full swing and prices are coming back on these at a hundred miles per hour. I am really enjoying the new season kiwi gold, it is eating superbly! Raspberries are the standout berry for Mother’s day lunch, they’re the best value and best eating berry by far. We have lots of other apples and pears to choose from and for a special treat on Mother’s day, our very expensive loose white grapes would be hard to beat.