We have some absolutely superb extra-large avocados in store at fantastic prices. Both Hass and a new later strain of greenskins will be available to choose from. In citrus, we are now swinging over to new season Navels. All our nets, imperfects and stack will now be Navels. However, our juice is still Valencia which has a different composition to Navel juice and keeps far longer. So, we will still juice Valencias fresh every day whilst they are available.
We are starting to see some excellent quality new season Queensland strawberries in our stores. They are dear, but they are good and will keep. In 10 days or so the prices will ease. Imperfect Packham pears are very good value and red grapes, Imperial mandarins and all apples are still fantastic eating and well-priced.
Lots of excellent quality vegies in store this week as warm weather continues in most of our growing areas. Best bargains are in cauliflowers, Dutch carrots, beans and mushrooms. This week we are seeing loose beetroot fall in price and the price of wombok (Chinese cabbage) halving. I think Chinese cabbage is a very tasty vegetable that we often ignore, but this is their time of the year now.