Key Objective 1 | Sustainable Packaging
Key Objective
Sustainable Packaging
At Harris Farm, it matters to us to have amazing products on our shelves and equally we care about the packaging they come in. We make sure all the packaging we choose is for a purpose and that it’s the most sustainable choice we can find.
We will give anything a go so please give us a shout if you have the latest and greatest packaging that is #FORTHEGREATERGOODNESS.
What We’ve Done with Sustainable Packaging So Far
We are for the Greater Goodness and we love to be ahead of the pack. When it comes to Sustainable Packaging, we will trial anything as long as it doesn’t cost the Earth.
Have a look at some of Our Initiatives we’ve rolled out in recent years...
How to Recycle Packaging
What do I do with the leftover packaging after I’ve enjoyed my beautiful Harris Farm weekly food shop?
Well, well well... we are glad you asked! We thought you might like to have a squiz at the new Harris Farm Packaging Guide we created just for you. We wanted to make sure you knew which item to put in what bin. This helps us all with our #WarOnWaste!
So, here’s our Harris Farm Packaging Guide. We created the guide to better explain which category our packaging falls into and then what you can do once you’re done with it. Together we can continue to support our beautiful planet.
We have categorised packaging with the following icons:
Third-party Recyclable
Home Compostable
Harris Farm Packaging Guide
Harris Farm Online Cool Bag
Harris Farm Delivery Box
Harris Farm Home Delivery Green BioPak
Harris Farm Delivery Icepack
Harris Farm Paper Bag
Harris Farm Glass Milk Bottle
Paper, Pulp, Cardboard Packaging
Plastic Packaging (Rigid)
Plastic Packaging (Soft)
Aluminium Foil and Trays
Tricky Items
Harris Farm Online Cool Bag
Reuse them. They’re great for keeping food items cold on your next picnic. OR,
Return them to us with your next Harris Farm online order.
Is this recyclable?
At the end of their use, you can recycle them through our partner RecycleSmart.
Good to know...
We clean and sanitise them to be reused in our next delivery.
This packaging is:
Third-party Recyclable
Harris Farm Delivery Box
Reuse them. They are great for craft projects or make awesome cubby houses for the little ones. OR,
Use them for your next Harris Farm in-store shop.
Is this recyclable?
Yes! Flatten and place them into your local Council’s paper recycling bin.
Good to know...
We do our best to fill the boxes to the brim! You may notice that you get special dividers between your items to keep soft things from hard!
This packaging is:
Harris Farm Home Delivery Green BioPak Bag
We chose a bag that allows you to easily pull your grocery items out of the Harris Farm Home Delivery Cool Bag while helping our teams pack your order efficiently to keep your items cold!
Is this recyclable?
Unfortunately no, but we chose a bag that is Home Compostable! So, you can add these to your home compost bin or worm farm. Or check your local council’s rules to put your bag straight into your green garden waste or organics bin.
Good to know...
Different councils are trialling new food waste and organics (often called FOGO) programs all the time. Check with your local Council to see if you’re eligible.
Want to learn more about composting? Click here to find out more.
This packaging is:
Home Compostable
Harris Farm Delivery Icepack
Reuse them. They’re great for keeping food cold on your next picnic or outing.
Is this recyclable?
Unfortunately no, but please don’t throw them away. You can reuse, reuse and reuse as many times you need.
Good to know...
If you already have plenty of ice-packs in your freezer, go ahead and return them in your next Harris Farm online order. We will clean and sanitise them to be reused. If it breaks or bursts, the gel inside can be (safely!) washed down the sink and the packaging thrown away.
This packaging is:
Harris Farm Paper Bag
Reuse them. These paper bags are great to reuse for your next Harris Farm in-store shop. We chose durable bags for this very purpose.
Is this recyclable?
Yes! They are reusable and recyclable. Pop them into your local council’s paper recycling bin when they’re at the end of their life.
Good to know...
We made sure these bags are recyclable, but they also have recycled material in them! Why not bring your own bag or use a fruit box instore instead? You don’t need to use a Paper Bag every time you shop!
This packaging is:
Harris Farm Glass Milk Bottles
Reuse them. These are great to use as storage containers for your fridge or pantry.
We reuse them too! We just need you to bring them back to our store and place them into a Harris Farm Glass Return Crate.
Is this recyclable?
Yes! Pop them into your local council’s recycling bin for kerbside collection.
Good to know...
Our Harris Farm Glass Return Program is for our Single Herd Glass Milk Bottles ONLY. We can’t take other glass jars or bottles as they don’t fit into our sterilising machine, and we just need to recycle them at our warehouse instead!
This packaging is:
Examples of this type of packaging are:
Our in-store mushroom bags, small trays produce comes in like ginger and tumeric.
Paper, Pulp, Cardboard Packaging
Reuse them. Some customers like to use the paper mushroom bags for putting other small fruit and veg in. If the bags are clean, then they can be used again.
Is this recyclable?
Yes! Pop them into your local council recycling bin or use them as an input into your home compost.
Good to know...
Did you know that the carbon footprint of paper is 1 - 1.5kg CO2e per kg in comparison to PET Plastic which is 2.99kg CO2e per kg? But you don’t need as much plastic as you do paper so it’s lighter in weight and thus has a better carbon footprint (Source) #mindblown
This packaging is:
Home Compostable
Examples of this type of packaging are:
water and juice bottles, milk bottles, berry punnets, take away salad container, olive containers, yogurt containers, plastic biscuit container
Plastic Packaging (Rigid)
Reuse them. If suitable, reuse them as storage containers for your fridge or pantry; take-away lunch containers; craft projects...etc.
Is this recyclable?
Yes! Pop them into your local council recycling bin.
Good to know...
If you’re looking for the plastic number on the bottom of the container and it’s not easy to find- don’t stress. All “Rigid” plastic packaging we use at Harris Farm is the right number for recycling. (So that’s Plastic # 1, 2, 4, and/or 5).
This packaging is:
Examples of this type of packaging are:
plastic overwrap, plastic produce bags, plastic bread bags, Soilbiotic bag, plastic net, HFM pizza air sealed vacuum pack bag.
Plastic Packaging (Soft)
What is soft plastic?
Do the “Scrunch Test” to figure out if it’s soft plastic or not. If you can softly scrunch the plastic into a ball, then it’s probably soft plastic.
Is this recyclable?
Yes, but conditionally – you need to find a local soft plastics recycling partner (this may differ wherever you are based).
Good to know...
Soft plastics recycling has been a topic of discussion of late! There are fewer places to recycle these items than ever before. So, what do we recommend? Avoid soft plastics if you can! Shop plastic-free collection here
This packaging is:
Third-party Recyclable
Examples of this type of packaging are:
The aluminium tray that some our home brand products like lasagne, foil that wraps garlic bread.
Aluminium Foil and Trays
Aluminium and aluminium based trays are typical in our day-to-day. You should be able to recycle them.
Is this recyclable?
Yes! They can go into your local council recycling bin.
Goot to know...
Be sure to get all the food off the trays before popping them into your recycling bin. And if it’s foil, scrunch it into a ball and, better yet, place inside a metal food can to give it the best chance of being recycled at the facility.
This packaging is:
Examples of this type of packaging are:
Black plastic packaging, our Harris Farm coffee packaging, paper bag lined with plastic film from bulk food section, Styrofoam that blue cheese comes on.
Tricky Items
Sad to say... the items listed under this category don’t currently have an environmentally friendly home. Once you’re done with them, throw them in your rubush bin.
Is this recyclable?
Unfortunately, no.
Good to know...
These tricky items make up less than 2% of Harris Farm packaging. But we’re constantly looking for solutions! Let us know if you have any great ideas!
This packaging is:
We have and always will be FOR THE GREATER GOODNESS and we will continue in our fight to reduce packaging waste and make the best packaging choices, but we do need your help to do your part in keeping packaging from being wasted.
Please be sure to either reuse what is reusable and definitely don’t litter. If you can choose the right bin than that’s a step in the right direction. We hope the Harris Farm Packaging Guide has been helpful for you.
If there’s something not listed or you have an idea for us to consider, we are all ears. Let us know by emailing us at
Looking for Answers?
Below we have put together the most Frequently Asked Questions we get when it comes to our packaging and the environment. Have a squiz at the questions and our replies so we can give you better insight into where we’re at and why.
We do have a very helpful and friendly team so please do feel free to contact us if you have a questions or concerns- we have open ears (and minds). Write to us at
No, but we do have a Manifesto (ohhh fancy!!!).(Check out our Harris Farm Sustainability Manifesto here) Sustainable Packaging is one of our Key Objectives in our Harris Farm Sustainability Manifesto. We introduced this officially into our business in 2019 but as our founder, David Harris, always says: "Sustainability has always been a part of Harris Farm”.
We’ve spent a lot of time measuring, cataloguing and trialling the packaging we use for Harm Farm branded products. We took note of the material type, carbon impact and recyclability of each. At last count, 98% of the packaging we use for Harris Farm products is in fact recyclable (See our Packaging Guide for more info).
Now we’re looking ahead to not just make sure our packaging is recyclable but to consider if there are alternative options – such as replacing a plastic content with one that is made from recycled content. Watch this space!
We’re sure you can appreciate there are a few tricky Harris Farm branded products that have packaging that isn’t recyclable. We’re only human – and we’re sure you’d rather your products food safe and shelf stable!!!
We definitely led the way in terms of getting rid of those plastic bags. But, yes, you will still find plastic packaging in our stores. We think plastic is miserable, but unfortunately, some of it is still necessary.
Plastic punnets for the strawberries, for example, come from our amazing growers all over the country. To date, the plastic punnet is the best option for protecting and preventing these beauties from going to waste. This plastic is recyclable, though, so please check out our Packaging Guide for more info.
When we’ve looked at alternatives like compostable packaging, not only do they have a higher carbon footprint, but they can only be properly broken down in a home compost bin or a commercial composting facility that not everyone has access to. Compostables are not meant for landfill, and they can’t go into most council green bins.
We’re keeping a close eye on this space though and have some plans we hope we can share soon!
We have trialled so many different options here and are hopeful we’ve got some exciting news to share soon. The fact is some customers like these bags (odd right?!) – since they can be helpful to keep things together in transit or for picking up dog poop at home…. (Yes, we’ve seen customers use our bag dispensers for their own personal poop scoop supply!!!)
However! Don’t like, don’t use we say! And we welcome you to plonk your fruit and veg basket at the registers for us to unpack and weigh items for you or bring your own reusable net bags. Don’t have any yet? We have them in store or online if you need some,
No matter what, if you do take plastic produce bags – please reuse them! And, when you’re done recycle them into a soft plastics collection if you have a local service available to you. Check out our Packaging Guide to find out how.
We’ve done a pretty good job at this we think – where we can!
Once, we stripped off all the packaging in our Organic section of fruit and veg and instead created tonnes and tonnes of food waste. Woops! Instead, you can now see these items in fridges and with some plastic packaging.
Our Sustainable Packaging Policy also reiterates that if packaging is unnecessary, we won’t use it. We follow a long check list of criteria when considering the best option for delivering fresh fruit and veg to you. The worst result for us and our planet would be for our lovely food to go to waste. So, yes, unfortunately, we can’t go naked all the time.
Packaging does a wonderful job of protecting fruit and veg and preventing it from going “off”. We also created a lot of grief at the check-out, since the Organic options weren’t distinguishable from the conventional fruit and veg – so we gave away a lot of higher priced goodies (Also, Woops!)
Also, when we look at our carbon footprint, packaging only makes up 2% of our impact. So, for us, a much bigger ‘fish to fry’ is addressing the way our food is grown and raised. We believe that this is the way to get carbon out of the atmosphere and combat climate change. Learn more about Regenerative Farming here.
This is a complex space!
First of all, just because a product may say its packaging is compostable, or biodegradable, that doesn’t mean it actually is (Spoiler alert! There are a lot of false claims out there). At Harris Farm, we try really hard to only offer home compostable items (Look out for the code AS5810) if it is industrially compostable, we read this as code for ‘landfill’!
Did you also know that compostable packaging typically has a higher carbon footprint than its counterparts since so much processing is required to make it. And most importantly, if it is compostable, it needs to be disposed of properly, meaning that it must be composted. Do you own a compost bin?! (We hope the answer is yes!)
If you don’t… then your compostable packaging actually goes back into landfill (no matter what it’s made from) where unfortunately doesn’t magically melt back into the earth. Landfills are an oxygen-deprived environment, so with no air supply, the bacterial process needed to break down organic materials doesn’t get activated. So instead of composting and becoming one with the earth again, they rot and emit methane gas. Yuck!
Find out more about composting here.
Keep an eye out on what your local council offers when it comes to help composting – some councils allow you to put your home or industrially compostable items into your garden or organics waste bins. Check before you do so though! Not all councils offer this service yet!
Still have questions? Write to us at
We are FOR THE GREATER GOODNESS and we love finding out what others are doing to be GREAT, too. Check out some of our Fave Links below. Have something to share with us? Write to us at
What is the carbon footprint of all the different packaging types?
Packaging Materials Selector -
Where can I recycle my Soft Plastic packaging?
Recycle Smart Bag -
Confused about disposables?
Check out our Harris Farm Packaging Guide -
Feeling resourceful? Here’s a list of ways to make better use of the rubber bands you find on some of your fruit and veg. -
Where to go to recycle all the weird and wonderful things you have in your home. Check one of these guys out! -
Have something even more weird and wonderful to recycle? Check out what Terracycle has to offer!