Ziwi Peak Dog Food Air Dried Lamb 454g

$45.99 ea

Ziwi Peak Air Dried Lamb Adult Dog Food

Pure and simple, ZIWI® Peak Lamb is a single protein food, perfectly crafted for dogs of all breeds and life stages, especially those with food sensitivities. Featuring world-class lamb, ethically raised by multi-generational family farmers in the mild and temperate climate of beautiful New Zealand. Gently nourishing, full of nutrition and tail- wagging goodness.

Lamb, Lamb Heart, Lamb Tripe, Lamb Liver, Lamb Kidney, Lamb Lung, New Zealand Green Mussel, Lamb Bone, Lecithin, Inulin from Chicory, Dried Kelp, Minerals (Dipotassium Phosphate, Magnesium Sulfate, Zinc Amino Acid Complex, Copper Amino Acid Complex, Iron Amino Acid Complex, Manganese Amino Acid Complex, Selenium Yeast), Salt, Parsley, Preservative (Citric Acid, Mixed Tocopherols), Vitamins (Vitamin E Supplement, Thiamine Mononitrate, Vitamin D3 Supplement, Folic Acid).


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