Dave's Market Update
In Veg
As discussed in my pick, this is the cheapest week in a decade for the tomato category. We are selling the three main varieties all at the same very cheap price. This is the week to buy a tray of Truss tomatoes or a box of Gourmets and or Romas, sit them at home OUTSIDE the fridge until they are dead ripe and then cook up a storm. In this weather, a cold tomato soup is to die for.
All cucumbers are cheap and good, as avos are reasonable, it will be salads and more salads in the Harris household. Asparagus is also cheap, I love to throw them on the barby in this weather.
For a change this week, we have rhubarb at the cheapest rice for a couple of years! It’s fantastic stewed and on your cereal in the morning as a bit of a change from berries. Enjoy your tomato with everything weekend.”
-David Harris
In Fruit
“The summer fruit season is now in full swing. Rockmelons are fantastic, quite large and very reasonably priced. In mangoes, my pick this week is the Honey Gold variety. This week, they are from the Katherine area and are superb. It is a very big piece of fruit and as well has a small stone so although the ticket on them is not great, in terms of the flesh per piece of fruit, they are very good value and I would say they are our best eating mango right now.
Nectarines and peaches continue to arrive in the markets in massive quantities and are also eating extremely well. It’s hard to go past the imperfects on these two fruits.
Grapes are between areas and got smashed in storms at the end of last week and aren’t as good as they have been. The better varieties of lychees are available in limited quantities at the better retailers. Cherries seem to have dodged any weather issues to date however, this weekend is looking a bit dubious in the growing areas.
In berries, the blacks are eating well and fairly reasonable in price. Avocados are still very good. Stick with the Aussie product where you can (that’s all we sell), some of the fruit from across the ditch is very ordinary - we call them supermarket fruit.
Lemons are not good and the smaller sizes in nets and our imperfect line make great sense to me. Finally, we will get the first of our Christmas trees in store this weekend, plenty coming and at this stage the price is unchanged from last year.
-David Harris
Dave's Pick of the Week - Tomatoes (Truss, Gourmet, Roma)
“I have been in this business for over fifty years and I have never seen tomatoes all become so cheap across the board as it is happening this week. The quality is amazing and the weather perfect to eat tomatoes. As the supply is so great that the price has gone into freefall.
We haven't sold tomatoes as cheaply as this in the last decade ......... Stock up big time, buy a tray of Truss or possibly a box of the others. Previous generations would have made gallons of soup and frozen it. Could be something to do next weekend. "
- David Harris
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