In Veg
This week, there are some great deals on various veggies in stores. Cauliflowers, beans, celery, mushrooms, and broccolini are all available at fantastic prices.
Additionally, radish, basil, and fennel are also being offered at very reasonable rates. It's particularly surprising to see mushrooms becoming cheaper in Autumn since this usually happens during Spring.
In Fruit
As we move into Autumn, we think more about plums than peaches and nectarines. With the cooler December last year, many fruits are delayed, so we still have excellent nectarines, along with plums. The best plum we have this week are Tegan Blues, and the white peaches and nectarines are both still good.
In new season apples, we are starting to get imperfect galas which are very well priced, as are the imperfect white nectarines. Grapes get better every week, and the loose white grapes are particularly good-eating. Figs have come good again this week, great specials on punnets this weekend in our Sydney stores.