Dave's Market Update - 08.05.18

daves market update whats in season

Lots happening with fruit this week. The best news is North Queensland Hass avocados. There are more and more being planted and this year some of the young trees are coming into production. These young trees produce huge fruit which creates the opportunity to present our customers with a bargain, extra large avos at a cheap price. Enjoy! Mandarins, red grapes, all apples, pears and pomegranates are all excellent quality and well-priced. Bananas are really hard to shift, we are just growing too many.

A couple of new lines are worth a look this week. Custard apples have eased in price, most retailers (ourselves included) now only sell the really bumpy and sweeter Pinks Mammoth variety. Fuyu and Corella pears have also both eased this week and we have bargains in the imperfect fruit in both these lines. The Corellas are especially well priced, normally quite small, these are good sized fruit. They can be enjoyed whilst still quite firm and are great ripe or in salads. North Queensland rockmelons are underway also. They are eating well and there are bargains to be had in the smaller sized fruit. As always, it’s a tough week for berries. The season is never easy in May and Mother’s Day always increases demand beyond the industry’s ability to supply, they will all be scarce on the weekend but none are good enough to buy early and store.

The big news is corn. It’s fabulous, cheap and top quality. Most other lines are unchanged. Telegraph cucumbers and English spinach have both eased in price a bit and lettuce, broccoli, broccolini, zucchini and old season pumpkin all remain cheap. Beans became cheap at the end of last week and are still good value. That wonderful large imperfect kumera is still the same attractive price that it has been. It’s fairly easy to keep under budget with the vegetable shopping this week.

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