Dave's Market Update 11.08.15


Fruit is mostly the same as last week with a few exceptions. Limes that were virtually unprocurable last week we can at least buy, though the price remains similar to last week. Paw Paw and Papaya have definitely eased in price. Bananas though still not great looking remain inexpensive and very good supplies of berries continue, they are having a truly bumper season. 


The early spring weather is increasing supply of lots of lines. As I mentioned last week, aniseed and artichokes are now underway and we are seeing the first of our Aussie asparagus in some stores this week however not enough to supply fully all stores. The fresh domestic product is just so superior to the imported product I puzzle about even selling the imports on occasions. Capsicums of all colours, celery and broccoli are all well supplied and all cucumbers remain inexpensive. Finally in the tomato category, again the Roma or egg tomatoes remain the stand out line for both flavour and value.

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