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Home Delivery

Home delivery is a meal delivered directly to your home or office. It has been offered for a while now but recently has become more popular. You can choose to have food home delivered, helping establish your meal plan and diets which is a healthy and well-balanced. This meal can help people who want to lose weight. 

Different Varieties

With home delivery, you can choose your own particular category for your unique meal ingredients. There are several options for you to choose from. At Harris Farms Markets our delivery service fee varies depending on the size of your order, how small your delivery window is and how frequently you shop.

Stick To Your Diet

It would be harder for you to stick to your diet if you will easily get bored with the same foods. If you want to cook your dinner then order your gourmet groceries at Harris Farm Market. We also offer a variety of fresh fruit, vegetables, meat and seafood  items. We sell Cardini Caesar dressing (350ml), Changs rice vermicelli (250g), Cintra Vino Cotto (250ml) plus a lot more.